Store Visits

Bryan Calkins, Founder and CEO
The RetailFix mission is to connect thousands of store teams to millions of customers. The mobile app solution uses geolocation and other features to connect consumers to the wonderful people who passionately wish to serve them. This creates customer engagement and ongoing relationships that cannot be found with online shopping.
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Featured Store:
West Coast Leather
2060 Union Street, San Francisco, CA
Founder and CEO Bryan Calkins visits a leather apparel store with a 40-year history in San Francisco, and discusses with owner Skip Pas how RetailFix can reinforce a store’s history, core brand, and ongoing consumer messaging. This is accomplished with frequent updates to the West Coast Leather rich-media store feed in the RetailFix platform.
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Featured Store:
2154 Union Street, San Francisco, CA
Founder and CEO Bryan Calkins visits a women’s apparel store, and discusses with owner Kenlynn how RetailFix can enable storytelling, a key component of social media marketing’s success. This new store-based storytelling creates innovative and more powerful rich-media local advertising.
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A new mobile shopping network